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Sunday 27 January 2013


Ok I've realised something. Normally I post things about Max (who got neutered 2 days ago, poor kitten) and Jess but never about Candy. 
Candy was my old cat who died at 3 when she got killed in a road accident. ...
Post more soon, sweeto xx

Saturday 26 January 2013


YIPPEE!!! :D MSP HAS UNLOCKED MY LAPTOP!! OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! I was starting to think I would have to quit. Anyway on Irish MSP I am level 4 on Kacy. Awshum thnx guys for the help. 
Post more soon, sweeto xx :D

Sunday 20 January 2013

Kacy Acc

I'm just bored so here are ma Irish acc:

Kacy's fame bar :)
Post sweeto's one soon, sweeto xx ;P


Wow, snow, snow and snow!! I can't stop seeing snow. I so hope school will be tomorrow...I think everyone does! Here are some piccies I took with my new camera:
Trees outside my bedroom window

A random plant. Dunno why I took a pic of looks cool though :D

How thick the snow is at the mo on our patio table.
Well, I guess I'll see you soon. Also tomorrow, we'll be getting a new mouse for the computer so I can return to UK MSP again! At the mo, I'm playing on Irish. Add me, Kacy
Post more soon, sweeto xx

Saturday 19 January 2013


I am so annoyed and upset! I tried to log onto sweeto this morning and I got a message from MSP saying I had violated the Terms and Conditions! When?! I now can't access sweeto or XoX Kat or any other accounts on UK MSP. I can't even make a new one!! :'( Please MSP, give me my moviestarplanet back. I know I didn't do anything wrong! I even made this new blog which doesn't give out any details so I don't get locked out. And, it's typical! It says I can't get into MSP on this computer i.e the laptop. And the mouse on the main computer has packed up so we can't get another one for another week or so! D: I sent Msp an email and I really hope they allow  me back in soon. What a great birthday present this has been...
Post more sometime soon, sweeto xx
(I'm too depressed D': )

Thursday 17 January 2013

Happy Birthday To Meh! :'D

Happy birthday to me! 
Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday to Kat, me!
Happy birthday me!
In case you're wondering, it's y birthday. I gotta chocys, camera, a furry blanket and a cow onesie!!!! :'D Wearing it at my sleepover party at the weekend! 
But it's meant to be snowing tomorrow and on Saturday...I wonder if my friends can make it :| Eep!!
They sang happy birthday to me in form, English and lunch hall. I got redder each time!!
Post more soon, sweeto xx
Google left me a message :'D

My awshum new camera 

Friday 11 January 2013

Just ... random stuff :'D

Ok this is just so random but that is me so yeh! Countdown to ma birthday: 6 days!! :D  Can't wait!!! Ok bear with me though, I just want to say this....Hola ma peeps!  
I've always wanted to say that!! Don't know why though... prob 'cos I'm completely bonkas, all of the time. You should on seen me in form earlier, my BFF said I was insane! Even more than usual!! ...I think it was the chips I had at lunch. Anyway... 
Just look and see he is so stupid!! 
     Little baby is so adorable!!! That's the nickname I give him and it really winds my bro up so it's a win win!! :'D
Post more soon, sweeto xx

Monday 7 January 2013

My accounts

Ok there is someone pretending to be me. My only accounts:
sweeto662 (UK)
XoX Kat (UK)
Kacy (Irish)
sweeto662 (Irish)

If anyone else says they're me, they're lying! There is one other account that only me and Love know about but I'm not saying. Just making it clear! And IT'S MY BIRTHDAY IN 10 DAYS TIME I'M SO EXCITED!! My parents will be getting me a camera so my msp vids and pics will be better quality. 
Post more soon, sweeto xx

Sunday 6 January 2013

New bloggy

Hello MSP! :D I'm back with this new blog! Actually I couldn't figure out some annoying things on my old blog so I 'abandoned' it. So this blog is going to be much better! As soon as I figure out how to add pictures onto the background...if you have any tips please help me!!, for once in my life I don't know what to say! Normally I don't stop talking. Oh well!
Post more soon, sweeto xx (Yep, officially my catchphrase now :D )