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Saturday 19 January 2013


I am so annoyed and upset! I tried to log onto sweeto this morning and I got a message from MSP saying I had violated the Terms and Conditions! When?! I now can't access sweeto or XoX Kat or any other accounts on UK MSP. I can't even make a new one!! :'( Please MSP, give me my moviestarplanet back. I know I didn't do anything wrong! I even made this new blog which doesn't give out any details so I don't get locked out. And, it's typical! It says I can't get into MSP on this computer i.e the laptop. And the mouse on the main computer has packed up so we can't get another one for another week or so! D: I sent Msp an email and I really hope they allow  me back in soon. What a great birthday present this has been...
Post more sometime soon, sweeto xx
(I'm too depressed D': )

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