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Thursday 17 January 2013

Happy Birthday To Meh! :'D

Happy birthday to me! 
Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday to Kat, me!
Happy birthday me!
In case you're wondering, it's y birthday. I gotta chocys, camera, a furry blanket and a cow onesie!!!! :'D Wearing it at my sleepover party at the weekend! 
But it's meant to be snowing tomorrow and on Saturday...I wonder if my friends can make it :| Eep!!
They sang happy birthday to me in form, English and lunch hall. I got redder each time!!
Post more soon, sweeto xx
Google left me a message :'D

My awshum new camera 


  1. !!POW!! Here :D Very Late But Happy Birthday :)

    1. Thanks :) And better late than never Sammy ;p
